Tuesday, May 17, 2016

As that president of ESPN Wide World of Sports I want say thank you to all of Orlando for coming to our events the we feature here ESPN Wide World of Sports. I have been working really hard to bring Orlando the type of events that our resident will enjoy and be proud of our complex. Their lot event coming in 2016 that we are excited about and hope our resident in Orlando will like to come see. I can’t wait to share with Orlando all the upcoming events that we will be host here in the ESPN complex.

One of doe’s events that we want to share with our Orlando resident today is the Special Olympics. This event is all about special need people the love to play sports. All of this people have some type of Intellectual disabilities that they live with everyday. As the president of ESPN Wide World of Sports I want you Orlando to help me make old this special people have the best time they ever had at Special Olympics event.

My people from Orlando the attended last year Special Olympics and seen how especial it feels to be apart of a event like the Special Olympics hope to see you guy their this year for another special experience. Make sure you let your friends know for they don’t miss out on all the fun we have here on ESPN Wide World of Sports complex. Being the president of this beautiful complex I get to call home and also be apart of all this great events that we host every year just remind me how important the city of Orlando is to use. There is lot people that flight in to come see different events during the year but that ones I could always count us and ESPN Wide World of Sports can count is our resident here in Orlando and we appreciated all the events the you guys come see and support every year. I am very happy to be a resident of a great city like Orlando and as the President of ESPN Wide World of Sports I will keep working hard to bring Orlando great and fun events everyone will enjoy. Hope to see everyone in Special Olympics coming up in May 20, 2016. Let make even try make event bigger then last years Orlando!

Class assignment and not an actual post by the spokesperson or organization.